Current released versions

Pre-built font files

Most users of the Tsukurimashou fonts will prefer these files. They contain pre-built OTF font files suitable for use with most modern word processing and operating system software. The releases are split into "Tsukurimashou," containing the main fonts for Japanese and English; "TsuIta," which are extra and somewhat experimental fonts in italic style; and "Mandeubsida," which contain Korean hangul glyphs, separated into a release of their own because the inclusion of hangul makes the individual font files much larger.

Source distribution

This file contains the source code for the latest release, as well as a selection of pre-built font files. It is of most interest to users who want all the Tsukurimashou Project's fonts and software, and have the developer skills and tools to build fonts in a command-line environment.

Other packages

Tsukurimashou includes several other pieces of software and font packages, some of which have independent version-numbered releases of their own. See their respective pages for details, but here are quick links to the downloadable files.